We’ve got a new mop bucket! We’re all up in society now!

First of all, PENredux. *cough* Let’s just say I’m still working on it… But I did FINALLY finish preparations for the Main Event, (you’ll see someday), and now I can get started on it! *dances* I think I managed to make my villain believably evil. I’ll have to wait on a second opinion to that.

Second of all, I had to share this hilarious short story I found of my brother’s.

Once upon a time there was a certain Victor Stairs. On that overcast day in April, danger lurked in the shadows as Victor and Danny played whoever gets hit in the head with a rock first loses.


Sweet, innocent, harmless MEDUSA!

Word count I should be at: 37,097
Word count I am at: 37,588

I’ve been writing scenes I’m not really sure about for the last couple of days, but every so often I get a line that clicks another chunk of plot into place. So I don’t want to totally write them off, but they’re mainly mediocre, with a very few redeeming features. In comparison to the rest of my stuff, that is. We’re not going to talk about how good they are in reference to actually good work 😀

And I keep trying to find ways for certain people not to die. *cries* I won’t tell you who they are, because I might find a way, and also I want it to be a shock if any of you end up reading Merchant’s Daughter. I just need some casualties! And I don’t want them to be pure “expendables.”

Darn, darn, darn. *frowns*

You see, I’ve never actually killed anyone yet, so it’s a new thing.

Anyhow, in other news, Ritter Sebastian has arrived, I’ve married Jana off, and Adelheid has turned out to be “such a man!” 😀 I’m glad. I was worried about her for a while, and now I like her again. Marching through the castle, terrorizing all the men. 😛

"I’ve been reading over your shoulder for 10 minutes, and I still have no idea what’s going on."

Word count I’m supposed to hit: 33,871

Word count I did hit: 34,212
Words written: 2,615

Caffine intake: By 11 am, I’ve ingested 2 coffees and a mug of tea. Let’s not count more
Scenes: 3
Wow, I am a writing MACHINE today! Of course, this is probably due to the fact that I’ve been sitting in front of these screens for essentially the last 6 hours. I’ve been trying to front-load my word count, because I suspect I will not get much done on my working days. But still… *cough* It’s time to go, self. Get off the computer.
I am also beginning to suspect that I am a little too fond of having my Characters say the opposite of what they mean. *mirthful grin* It’s just, I seem to naturally include intrigue. Really, I don’t plan for it, and then suddenly half my characters are being watched and have to communicate “other ways.” *sigh*
However, I still quite like a lot of my characters. And those I don’t like I’m either killing or sending to a nunnery. Hmmm, I didn’t realize that was my plan until I wrote that. 😀 And Herr Bruno is still enormous fun to write. Check out his motivational style;

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, I do not have enough staff to spare them to the inevitable loss of limbs and dismemberment I will make sure result from mistakes, so please don’t make any.”

Good times, good times.

"You think? Who gave you permission to do that?"

Word count I should be at: 32,258

Word count I am at: 31,597
I promise, it was entirely unintentional, but I now have a murder, Dietlinde got really drunk, and Adolph and Adelheid both know an important secret about each other and know that they both know. And they both also throw knifes really well. (This was a fun scene!) 😀 Adelhied also just watched the murder happen and didn’t do anything, which is rather fascinating. 
Unfortunately, I now also have a bit of a headache, which certainly isn’t due to the fact that I am getting most of my hydration in the form of coffee, for sure. *nods*. 
Ah, I am very happy to finally have that scene done with. I’ve been beating my head against it for something like three days!

It’s time to break out the Chant.

Word count I should be at: 29,032 *cringes*
Word count I am: 27,077 *cringes more*
Title: Merchant’s Daughter

I’m changing the title back, since it was too hard to explain.

And I now have a merchant singing in Latin. Yes, Latin. Did you know that you can find the entire Vulgate bible on the internet? I was quite pleased.

I have GOT to get up early tomorrow to write. No more excuses.

I sell my soul, but only to the very highest bidder.

Word Count I should be at: 27,419
Word Count I am at: 26,104
Shortfall: 1,315

I admit it, I totally failed at writing on days where I also worked. But I’m starting to catch up now! Really! *sincere*

I’m rather happy about how my characters are suddenly discovering who they are. Hugh is amazing, I realized, and Adelheid has some kind of a personality! No, Hugh always had a personality, but I got to do an extended foray into how insane he actually is. You have no idea! He actually has a really sad backstory too. Or at least, it was sad in my head, so I hope it translates that way.

Also, Adelhied slapped someone, and got to be her queenly self in two dissimilar situations, which stitched together two divergent personality pieces in my head. Moreover, I finally wrote Adolph! He was the first character to arrive in my head, and the last one of my MC to talk. At this time he’s remarkably fun to write, and I haven’t even used many of his really good lines yet! *dances* He needs to do a lot of growing up though. This should be fun!

I finished the murder dare, so now I just have to include the one(s) about real people. And no, I am not counting Adelhied as me, despite the slapping episode. *firmly*

My story makes me happy.

Seven years, only seven years!

Word count I should be at: 22,581

Word count I am at: 22,791
I finished Crime and Punishment this evening, and I really see why it is well spoken of. Though there were certainly moments where I was ready to start shouting at the page, namely when Svidrigailov had Dounia trapped, (!@#$%^), I really enjoyed it. And such a good ending! *is happy*
And I’ve had to stop at an EXTREME cliff hanger, so getting up tomorrow to right should be easy not that difficult.

My Main Character has no Character!!!

Word count I should be at: 20,968

Word count I am at: 20,707
I BROKE 20,000!!!! *fireworks*
I’m a little bit concerned about Adelhied. She really seems to have no soul. This frustrates me, but I also have a cold, so I’m finding it ever so slightly difficult to get worked up about it. *blows nose*
I actually have most of my characters up now. *dances* I also was hired at McDonalds, so I should show them you before I have to start working full-time.
  • Adelhied:
    My main female character. She’s 19, and her brother ran off to travel the world selling things three yeas ago. Now he got put under sentence of death in Hamberg, and called her there so he could see her before he died. She is currently under an assumed name, Adele, working in the kitchen of the Castle where he is imprisoned, and cooking up something devious along with the fish.
  • Johannes:
    The brother who ran off to travel the world. He’s blond, 17, and a little ADHD. He has a wicked business sense, but doesn’t always notice the traps he’s walking into. Currently imprisoned, and giving language lessons to the daughter of the Castle Steward.
  • Hadelind:
    The daughter of the Castle Steward in Hamberg. She’s got a club foot, and hasn’t been out of the Castle in years. Sensible as the day is long, she helps out wherever an extra pair of hands is needed. Taking language lessons from Johannes, and likes the crazy stories he tells.
  • Margerete:
    She’s lived in Hamberg her whole life, which is almost 40 years so far. She has no children, but she takes most of the castle under her wing, including Adelhied/Adele. She knows EVERYTHING that goes on. Is Herr Bruno’s right hand woman, though he’d never say so.
  • Herr Bruno:
    The crazy cook at Hammaburg (the name of the castle).  Literally, he carries a massive broken sword that he’s ground smooth, and he bites the blade when he’s agitated, which is often. So he’s bending you backwards over the table with the sword at your throat, and blood running down his chin where he cut himself. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BREAD?!? If you make a mistake in his kitchen, you run for your life. Also, no one ever knows quite where he is, which doesn’t help the stress level.
  • Hugh:
    Johannes’s partner, he’s an scarred middle aged ex-crusader with a past we haven’t talked about yet. But he handles swords like he was born with them in his hands. He’s currently hiding out in a monastery as a novice, and is heading for Hammaburg with a delivery of beer. Spent “16 years on a battlefield.”
  • Martin (brown):
    A 9 year old page to the Herzog, with brown hair, he ends up helping Herzogin Mechtilde’s ladies with her sewing, which he is not pleased about. Had once lesson in how to fight properly from Hugh, which he was pleased about. He has a running friendship/feud with
  • Martin (white):
    A 9 year old kitchen boy with blond hair. Fights Brown Martin on sight, and notices more than you’d think.
  • Adolph:
    The Herzog, he’s 2o, and likes to go about in disguise to learn about his property, though everyone knows who he is because of his red hair.  He was not pleased when his mother tried to arrange a marriage with him to Adelhied, who he’s never met, and thereupon announced that he was moving to Hamberg, and that he’s going to marry lady Nathalie. He goes by Alban when he’s “undercover.”
  • Nathalie:
    The “understood” betrothed of Adolph. Pretty and predatory. Adolph didn’t stand a chance. She was widowed once before, and is making a very advantageous marriage to Adolph. Her Uncle is Ritter Sebastian.
  • Ritter Sebastian:
    The Chief adviser to Herzogin Mechtilde. He was the instrument of Johannes’s condemnation, which was unwarranted. He likes power, and also for people to not know that he likes or has power. Doesn’t hold a grudge, because he doesn’t need to. If he doesn’t like you, you’re already dead.
  • Herzogin Mechtilde:
    Herzogin of Hamberg, and many other places which she’d rather visit. She was made regent of her son’s lands when her husband died 15 years ago, and she isn’t letting go of the power. She’s very used to it by now, in fact.
  • Dietlinde:
    At age 14, she was shipped off to Hammaburg to snare a husband, but she spends all her time in the stillroom making medicines. Skittish, she has very good hearing, and knows how to use her store of herbs to do remarkable things, despite not liking them. 
  • Father Nikolous:
    The (very) new priest at Hammaburg. He is in charge of both the castle and the surrounding area, now that Father David died. He’s very eager to do a good job, but sometimes is a little too eager to do well. 
There are a few other people who have names, but they’re not important enough to make it onto the list. 😀 

Word count I should be at: 19,355

Word count I am at: 18,963
I keep trying to get up early, and then I turn off the alarm in my sleep. That is the only explanation I can find for it, because I arm it for 5 am, and then I wake up as breakfast is being called at 8.*frustrated* But I continue to enjoy myself with my story. I had to add a disclaimer to this one too. *cheeky* 

I am aware that the idioms I used are not exactly medieval. I blame this on the fact that they’re talking in German, and Polish, and Danish, and so of course in the translation things happen.

I really didn’t do enough research. 😀
BUT! Maybe next time I won’t need a disclaimer at all… I live in hope, pretty much.

"No, he has some very fine clothes, I’ve seen them."

Word count I should be at: 17,742

Word Count I am at: 17,202 (so close!)
Music: Julie Miller, Newsboys, New Radicals, Daft Punk, Thomas Tallis, Buddy Wasisisname, Switchfoot, Sarah McLachlan, Irish Descendants, Charlie A’Court, Coldplay, Eagles, Rawlin’s Cross, etc.  I thought there was a theme there. I was wrong. 
Drinking: Tetley Tea, Earl Grey Tea, Hot Lemonade with Ginger Honey.
Wow, it has been a day of non-related fragments, now that I look at the stats. 😀
I did a bunch of odds and ends scenes today. I was cringing at them, and saying to myself, “I hate my mind!” But then I had a chance remark from Margerete, and I realized that I wasn’t including a proper villain, and now I’m fired up, a bit, about the story. *dances* 
My dashboard keeps collecting notes like “Intro the healer/Get out now, He’ll kill you/Allude to Hugh.” and “Herr Sebastian comes to Visit, something Dastardly. Cheerful!”
Man, I just KEEP introducing people, though. (including Jana, who was generic until she opened her mouth. See title, above.) And half of them are going to die, I know, so I have to introduce even more characters to take up the slack afterwards. I think I see a Character related dare around here somewhere.