This needs a title, but my eyes are stuck open and I therefore cannot think of one. It’s a complicated emotion.

Word Count: 3,621

Scenes: 4
*victory dance*
I was pretty sure this day was gonna be a fail. But interestingly enough, once I was tired enough I could look at a screen without twitching, I got some words done! Who would have guessed! But now my eyes hurt from being open, and I realized another scene I might have to write before I’m done. Or maybe I’ll just allude to it…
I am so excited to be done. You have no idea.
Also, Jennet went out to look for children and came back with a gun. Sometimes that girl scares me. And Petria is GOOD at making people jealous, I can tell you that right now. Too bad Appel’s good too, and he uses different methods. I heart those two. I need to shut up and sleep. Only now I’m scared of my dreams, due to certain bizzaro fiction I read today. *sigh* Think happy thoughts about happy things! Like the fights I get to write next! Yes, happy… ^_^

Run On Sentences Rock My World

I thought, since there’s, like, three whole* new people who are reading this blog, and they haven’t read any of my so-called writing, that I’d jump on the excerpt bandwagon. Also, formatting this post buys me almost five whole minutes of procrastination time, and I’m out of tea to procrastinate by making. My logic is without peer.

*Perhaps not “whole” people, because they seem to be pretty much insane in the best of ways, which lends its self to being mildly shattered.


I really should be in bed sleeping now. About that.

Appel and Petria decided to fight with each other today, just in case Danen and Haggerty weren’t QUITE uncomfortable enough. Appel goes really expressionless when he’s mad, and boy oh boy, was he mad. I was twitching just writing him. I only managed two pages, but I think they might be good pages?

Oh, who am I kidding, I have edits for years to do. But at least I got people moving. 😀 Yay for movement! Tomorrow I think Sarti and Etna get their place in the spotlight. Maybe.

Another OC meme! Because I don’t have enough OCs in my head.

I’m going to do this with the Charas who have been in my head most recently, and not the “main” ones. Cause I’m cool like that.

 Chose ten of your OCs. If you don’t have ten of your own, chose ten cool people. 

1 = Kassy
2 = Haggerty
3 = Basket Case
4 = Dulamon
5 = Jole
6 = Petria
7 = Sarti
8 = Howling
9 = Neph
10 = Jaslyn
1.) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at his house. What happens?
Howling: “Mmmm, delicious morsels. Let me just get my sword and my assistant…”
Dulamon: “Not in the UO, you don’t.” *breaks Howling* *looks at Basket Case.* “Why do they always give me the crazy ones? Why? What crime have I committed against the fates?”
Basket Case: “Wait a second. I’m crazy? I can see your memories, dude!
Dulamon: “We are not discussing my morals right now, young man.”
Basket Case: “Maybe we should. You did What?
Dulamon: *headdesk*
2.) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a strip club. 
Jole: *looks at sign* “Are you sure this is the right place?”
Neph: “Yep!” *pulls out napkin with name printed on it* “They had these really awesome drinks which fizzed, though Tenish made me sit at the back so I’m not sure what they’re called.”
Jole: “Ah-huh.”
3.) You need to stay at a friend’s house for a night. Who do you choose, 1 or 6?
Kassy: “Sorry, but I don’t really have a house. Or an apartment. I’d offer to let you stay where I’m staying, but it’s kinda not mine. And I don’t think Ty would let me invite people over. Um, I have bus tickets, you can have, and oh! Getting arrested is always good for a place to sleep. And airports! They’re warm, and stuff.”
Petria: “Wait, you want to stay at my HOUSE? After what you did to me? No exiling way, thank you. Get out before I kick you in the head.”
Me: “Ummmmmm.”
4.) 2 and 7 are making out, 10 walks in. What are the reactions?
Jaslyn: *raises eyebrows* “Nice one, Sar. Though I wouldn’t think he’s quite your type…”
Sarti: *smiles* “Oh, he isn’t. I’m just practicing!”
Haggerty: ~Demons. You exiling are all exiling demons. And why did I let her make me a drink, anyways?~
5.) 3 falls in love with 6, 8 is jealous. What happens?
Basket Case: *after much attempting to convince* “I swear I know that I’m doing!”
Petria: “Right. Come back when you’re legal. Or not.”
Howling: “I saw her first…” *everyone in every ‘verse shoots him*
6.) 4 jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue; 10, 2 or 7?
Me: “Go AWAY. I don’t want to be rescued!”
7.) 1 decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is cooking?
Kassy: “Wait, do I actually have to make edible food, or can I just set things on fire? Oh. Oh, okay then. Let’s make butter toffee!” 
8.) 3 has to marry either 8, 4 or 9. Who do they choose?
Basket Case: “…” *looks again at the all-male options.* “Suicide it is, then.”
9.) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2’s release. What is it?
Sarti: “Hey, you with the eyebrows! Teach me how to read!”
Jole: *stares* “You really are on drugs, aren’t you?”
Haggerty: *is unconcious* *drugged to within an inch of his life* *tied up* *and in an locked room*
Sarti: “Or I tell Haggerty that you kidnapped him when he gets out!”
Jole: “Okay, we’d better work fast. This is the alphabet. Got that? Good.”
10.) Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell?
Basket Case: “No, no I really don’t. I wonder if this is what happened last time?”
11.) Everyone is invited to 2 and 10’s wedding except for 8. How do they react?
Jaslyn: “Oh, hush. You think you’re the one who’s coming out poorly from this deal?”
Howling: “You always leave me out. And to think I brought you all together.” *everyone shoots him, again*
12.) Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Petria: “She’s a drudge. With blue hair. Who knows how to read. And you never know what she’e gonna do!” *tries to look invisible as Sarti dances in, singing*
13.) 1 arrives late for 2 and 10’s wedding. What happens, and why were they late?
Kassy: “Sorry I’m late, I forgot to look at the clock. (And I kinda got distracted…)”
*everyone decides not to ask*
14.) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house- what happens?
Me: *walks in on drunken reminisces about death and suicide and girls, and walks out again.* *makes coffee in the morning*
15.) 9 murders 2’s best friend. What does 2 do to get back at 9?
16.) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save herself or 1?
Petria: “Uhhh, wait, I, I, I can’t just leave, I-“
Kassy: “Get out of here or I’ll come back and haunt you! MOVE!
17.) 8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they don’t have any food. What do they do?
Howling: *looks at Basket case*
Basket Case: *looks at Howling*
At the same time: “Food!”
18.) 5 is critically injured in a car crash. What does 9 do?
Neph: *drags out of wreck and calls the medics* *pats on head* “Don’t worry, the medics are really good, they can put you back together from anything! You’ll be back to as good as new in months!”
Jole: *groans* “Why does this never work…”

"I believe in double-checking. Especially in this case."

I do not know what muse I was channeling for this morning’s scenes, but it makes my skin crawl. I am now at the fun place where I have taken my appetite away due to having taken an little side foray into the mind of my psychotic villain. 

Yay for Plucky-Heros-Are-Defiant scene. *flatly* Only it doesn’t make any difference, you’re all going to die anyhow. Painfully. Yeah, sometimes I really don’t like the way my mind works. *is ill*
On the other hand, I think I established my despicable villain as fully despicable. Oh, and Petria, Appel and Jennet endeared themselves to me even more than usual. I knew you were all awesome, you just needed a chance to show it. 
I’m sorry, guies!
EDIT: And Jennet just gave a “buck up” speech, despite the fact that I just knocked out her teeth. That girl is QUALITY. 
EDIT2: New crack-ship! Jole/Kael. You know they would be CUTE together. *falls into hysterical laughter* Yeah, the fact that this amuses me this much is one of those signs that maybe I should stop. Now. Just stop. 
Nope! Finish scene first!

"Welcome to Women Now where women are trusted friends please put your hands where I can see them and surrender any bombs."

Yes, I watched Juno, as might be evident from my title. I’ve also been writing. 

It is curiously liberating to just throw quality out the window, shred it into tiny pieces, jump up and down on it, douse it in gasoline, and shower it with lighted matches. It’s the Nano state of mind, only more so. 
So, current state of affairs: Kael and all the Military are hungover, Bleach and Cole are sightseeing, the rest of the techs are cracking the world network, (assisted by the Military,) the Drudges are shopping, Appel is being interrogated, Jennet discovered an empty closet, and Dane and Very are being nauseating. I think Petria locked herself in the shower again too, which is related to Dane and Very being nauseating. That about covers it!
EDIT: Objective of the weekend- write 6k. Everyone else I know is juggling some combination of school, work, reading, and writing, so I can manage this, right? *crosses fingers*

"We get to hallucinate too? I should have done this years ago!’

A shout out out to each of my poor mistreated (main) characters. 😀

Tenish: You’re made of awesome. You’re SO made of awesome. I’m sorry about what I’m going to do to you, I really am. But you’ll get through it- you’re made of awesome.
Haggerty: Watch your mouth, man. Though you probably did get me 200 extra words for that scene alone, not to mention the whole “fighting the guest” deal. I, ah, don’t quite know if I like you or not.
Neph: See, aren’t you glad you survived? You have the potential to be made of awesome, I just know it. *hugs him*
Jole: You poor man. Uh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry? I’ll get you out in the end, I SWEAR!
Bleach: You’re an arrogant S.O.B. and you need to bleed. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to show that yet. It will come, though, never fear.
Etna: Life happens, we know. I’ll get them out safe. I’m sorry? I’ll just be, uh, over here. Please don’t look at me.
Jaslyn: You’re hard core, woman. *runs away*
Sarti: See, aren’t you glad you unexpectedly turned out to be a druggie? Now you get to play with ships, and hallucinate and stuff! *sheepish* I’ll, uh, find you a nice guy. *cough* *backs away*
Bensch, Tru, Terra and Pepper: Your moment will come, I swear. You have good moments, too. With books and ribbons.
Dane: I hate you. *slaps him*
Verjinya: STOP CRYING, GIRL. *slaps her*
Petria. Well, now that I know your backstory, it makes more sense. I’m sorry you ever looked at Dane? *pats on shoulder* And it just gets worse for you, too. I’m sorry. See, here’s some nice chocolate! You like chocolate, right?
Appel: *laughs* I don’t actually know your backstory, or what you have hidden in that room of yours, or what illegal activities you’re engaged in. But I’m sure they’re VERY interesting. And your tattoo is shiny.
Jennet: I’m sorry… *hugs her* But you’re too smart to not know the truth.
Tanner and all the Guardians: I’M SORRY!!!!!! I NEEDED DEATH SCENE!
Kael: I would apologize, but you brought it all on yourself. And you know this. Look, it does get better, eventually. So don’t get too drunk, please? Uh, Tenish, could you watch Kael please? She’s gone off to hurt herself again…
Dulamon: You might be one of my favorite characters of all time. So I send creepy women your way and set you on fire. Huh. CAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE IT!!! And the message thing was really sweet, it really was. Too bad she never got the messages and settled for cutting herself instead. Yep, you fail, man. Maybe I’ll give you a second chance?
Howling: Uh, please no torture? I mean, what would be the point of that? Uh, don’t answer that. I’ll just stay on the other side of the ‘verse, thank you. Stay away. I will shoot you with a flame thrower!
I like my story. 😀