I blame today’s word count on the fact that I fed the vampires.

Word Count: 1,730
Scenes: 1
Despite its lamentable word-count effects, I am resolute that donating blood is awesome. Just think about it. You go and sit in little plastic chairs and watch the various stages of nervousness around you, and you get to closely observe the different stages and types of fainting, for the mall fee of being prodded with needles and drained of your vital fluids. Plus you can save up to three lives. 😀 Which is a nice way to make up karmically for the day you spent torturing, drugging and seducing. *cough* Ahem. Plus, you are medically required to eat sugary things afterwards. Is there anything more awesome than that? I think not.
Oh, oh! And also, where else is it just assumed that you’re a druggie (other than airport security,) and you have to show your needle-track-less arms to prove it?
I rest my case, awesomeness is proven.

Here, have some excerpt. Not from today, I don’t trust any of it from today. 😀

Gratuitous mind-rape, this way plz!

However, the NOT SLEEPING bit of donating blood is BAD.

Just a thought.

"This time two wrongs’s gonna make it right…"

Word Count: 2,194

Scenes: 2
Character-who-I-had-forgotten-about-who-is-lovely: Carmanita. Hardworking, loyal as all get-out, and yeah. I hope you survive.
I’m starting to be concerned about who actually survives. Plot-wise, I only need two characters to make it through, and one who was not connected to the, um, thing. That’s happening. HEY, that’s what I’m writing tomorrow, I’d forgotten the point of that scenes. Ahem. Good, to know.
Hey, you know something I also found out today? Something that’s vexing? To have your plot sink its fangs into your head during breakfast and start gnawing. To be at the point that your hands are twitching to write. And then to go to work for 7.5 hours. Not the best thing ever. But I got home eventually! And then, broken by a brief interlude when i realized it was my parent’s 26th wedding anniversary, bought them chocolate, and then they returned it lovingly because they’re on a diet- I wrote.
And I talked someone out of something, which probably only means I’ve never been REALLY depressed. But still! I can make it darker in the revision! Go Jole, go Carmanita, go sillies! I need to be awake in six hours, which should make tomorrow interesting.
OMG I love my story. Lies. I love that I have finally fallen off the cliff, and the ground is approaching with cheerful haste. And my characters make me happy. *hugs them all* *goes to repair her stab wounds* *yes, Howling is SO dead*
I know that made no sense. This is me we’re talking about, what did you expect?

"I’m going under/ Drowning you/ I’m falling forever/ I’ve got to break through…"

Word Count: 2,385

Scenes: 2
Teh Made Of Awesome: That would be the Head of the School. Man, you are SO pro. And you’re double-crossing Jole so hard, which makes me happy. Er, sorry, Jole. *cough*
Yes, I’ve been listening to Evanescence. Lots of Evanescence. Kay, I need to sleep now. I’m starting to get quite worried about cramming the end of the story in, so yeah.
  1. Stop writing this,
  2. get to sleep,
  3. regrow language part of brain.
  4. worry about total lack of grammar later.
  5. Consider possible suicides
  6. Make sure everyhody’s life sucks
  7. stop writing this
  8. seriously, stop typing
  9. surgically remove laptop from hands
  10. think of chocolate….
  11. there we go.
Night all! *waves and hobbles off, back and neck providing percussion section*

"Just get me through December, so I can start again…"

Word count: 5,064

Scene count: 1 (Oh yes, it was a doozy. I walked down corridors and sat in waiting rooms. And Kael fought people to make a point. Love that girl.)
Quality count: Ahahahahah. Ahahahahahh. Ahhahahah! See that? That is me not caring. That is me laughing in your FACE.
It’s weird, because for the first time in forever, I’m back on the ship, where it all began. I haven’t been there since November. November, Srsly! That’s, like, last year. Dude….. Also, a lot has happened since then.
(Hurrah for stream-of-consciousness! I’m gonna say that I didn’t work today, or yesterday, and I was trying to front-load words in those non-working days because I’m working all day for the rest of the week. Yes, that is fear you see in my eyes.)
A lot has happened in terms of how I write, in what has happened in my life, and what has happened to my characters. Some of them still haven’t realized what has happened- I’m looking at you, Jennet- and some of them, well. Clones, you know what I mean. And Kael is just her own category. Of everything. But yeah, I’m back in an old setting, with old issues that I haven’t had to deal with, cause we haven’t had to deal with.
Like the whole motivation for why Jole went on this little jaunt? The one he told himself, at least? Yeah, that one didn’t come up. Kael and the rest of the Drudges’ precarious position as worthy-to-be-alive? Also taken for granted by the silly Clones. Social issues in Jennet’s world? She kinda danced on those, and now her dancing is frowned on.
In addition, everyone’s been living with the knowledge that they’re gonna die within days, and now, hey, oops, we’re still alive. How about that. *sheepish* Not to mention that certain people aren’t quite as comfortable to be home as they’re supposed to be, in fact they’re downright suspicious. You see, since the end of November I’ve only been dealing with straightforward Bad Guys. These are easy to react too. He’s a sadistic, messed up B**tard- RUN. Now we have my old friends the Good Guys back. The morally ambiguous people with lots of power, who might have your best interests at heart, it’s just that they say they do so sincerely…. Do I believe them? Do I do what I was told? Do I follow the nice man? Or- do I even have any other options? A lot more uncertainty, obviously.
As might be clear, (I’m not sure if is is clear,) I enjoyed myself. ^_^ I actually want to write more, only it’s hard to think, my eyes won’t stay open, and I have to get up at 6 tomorrow. Yes, Snazel, you don’t have to write about wrecked medical bays now. *vague smile*

"Confusion is always the most honest response."

Word Count: 1,855
Scenes: One? Kinda?

This started as one scene, but I”m going to need at least two more to close it up. Darn it. *growls* But in other news, Jole was awesome, and Kael was, well, Kael. You should hope to never meet her at work, that’s all I’m saying.

Also, Root Beer cures all ills, I should try to drink it BEFORE 10:00.

Another OC meme! Because I don’t have enough OCs in my head.

I’m going to do this with the Charas who have been in my head most recently, and not the “main” ones. Cause I’m cool like that.

 Chose ten of your OCs. If you don’t have ten of your own, chose ten cool people. 

1 = Kassy
2 = Haggerty
3 = Basket Case
4 = Dulamon
5 = Jole
6 = Petria
7 = Sarti
8 = Howling
9 = Neph
10 = Jaslyn
1.) 4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at his house. What happens?
Howling: “Mmmm, delicious morsels. Let me just get my sword and my assistant…”
Dulamon: “Not in the UO, you don’t.” *breaks Howling* *looks at Basket Case.* “Why do they always give me the crazy ones? Why? What crime have I committed against the fates?”
Basket Case: “Wait a second. I’m crazy? I can see your memories, dude!
Dulamon: “We are not discussing my morals right now, young man.”
Basket Case: “Maybe we should. You did What?
Dulamon: *headdesk*
2.) 9 tries to get 5 to go to a strip club. 
Jole: *looks at sign* “Are you sure this is the right place?”
Neph: “Yep!” *pulls out napkin with name printed on it* “They had these really awesome drinks which fizzed, though Tenish made me sit at the back so I’m not sure what they’re called.”
Jole: “Ah-huh.”
3.) You need to stay at a friend’s house for a night. Who do you choose, 1 or 6?
Kassy: “Sorry, but I don’t really have a house. Or an apartment. I’d offer to let you stay where I’m staying, but it’s kinda not mine. And I don’t think Ty would let me invite people over. Um, I have bus tickets, you can have, and oh! Getting arrested is always good for a place to sleep. And airports! They’re warm, and stuff.”
Petria: “Wait, you want to stay at my HOUSE? After what you did to me? No exiling way, thank you. Get out before I kick you in the head.”
Me: “Ummmmmm.”
4.) 2 and 7 are making out, 10 walks in. What are the reactions?
Jaslyn: *raises eyebrows* “Nice one, Sar. Though I wouldn’t think he’s quite your type…”
Sarti: *smiles* “Oh, he isn’t. I’m just practicing!”
Haggerty: ~Demons. You exiling are all exiling demons. And why did I let her make me a drink, anyways?~
5.) 3 falls in love with 6, 8 is jealous. What happens?
Basket Case: *after much attempting to convince* “I swear I know that I’m doing!”
Petria: “Right. Come back when you’re legal. Or not.”
Howling: “I saw her first…” *everyone in every ‘verse shoots him*
6.) 4 jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue; 10, 2 or 7?
Me: “Go AWAY. I don’t want to be rescued!”
7.) 1 decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what is cooking?
Kassy: “Wait, do I actually have to make edible food, or can I just set things on fire? Oh. Oh, okay then. Let’s make butter toffee!” 
8.) 3 has to marry either 8, 4 or 9. Who do they choose?
Basket Case: “…” *looks again at the all-male options.* “Suicide it is, then.”
9.) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2’s release. What is it?
Sarti: “Hey, you with the eyebrows! Teach me how to read!”
Jole: *stares* “You really are on drugs, aren’t you?”
Haggerty: *is unconcious* *drugged to within an inch of his life* *tied up* *and in an locked room*
Sarti: “Or I tell Haggerty that you kidnapped him when he gets out!”
Jole: “Okay, we’d better work fast. This is the alphabet. Got that? Good.”
10.) Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell?
Basket Case: “No, no I really don’t. I wonder if this is what happened last time?”
11.) Everyone is invited to 2 and 10’s wedding except for 8. How do they react?
Jaslyn: “Oh, hush. You think you’re the one who’s coming out poorly from this deal?”
Howling: “You always leave me out. And to think I brought you all together.” *everyone shoots him, again*
12.) Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Petria: “She’s a drudge. With blue hair. Who knows how to read. And you never know what she’e gonna do!” *tries to look invisible as Sarti dances in, singing*
13.) 1 arrives late for 2 and 10’s wedding. What happens, and why were they late?
Kassy: “Sorry I’m late, I forgot to look at the clock. (And I kinda got distracted…)”
*everyone decides not to ask*
14.) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house- what happens?
Me: *walks in on drunken reminisces about death and suicide and girls, and walks out again.* *makes coffee in the morning*
15.) 9 murders 2’s best friend. What does 2 do to get back at 9?
16.) 6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save herself or 1?
Petria: “Uhhh, wait, I, I, I can’t just leave, I-“
Kassy: “Get out of here or I’ll come back and haunt you! MOVE!
17.) 8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they don’t have any food. What do they do?
Howling: *looks at Basket case*
Basket Case: *looks at Howling*
At the same time: “Food!”
18.) 5 is critically injured in a car crash. What does 9 do?
Neph: *drags out of wreck and calls the medics* *pats on head* “Don’t worry, the medics are really good, they can put you back together from anything! You’ll be back to as good as new in months!”
Jole: *groans* “Why does this never work…”

"We get to hallucinate too? I should have done this years ago!’

A shout out out to each of my poor mistreated (main) characters. 😀

Tenish: You’re made of awesome. You’re SO made of awesome. I’m sorry about what I’m going to do to you, I really am. But you’ll get through it- you’re made of awesome.
Haggerty: Watch your mouth, man. Though you probably did get me 200 extra words for that scene alone, not to mention the whole “fighting the guest” deal. I, ah, don’t quite know if I like you or not.
Neph: See, aren’t you glad you survived? You have the potential to be made of awesome, I just know it. *hugs him*
Jole: You poor man. Uh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry? I’ll get you out in the end, I SWEAR!
Bleach: You’re an arrogant S.O.B. and you need to bleed. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to show that yet. It will come, though, never fear.
Etna: Life happens, we know. I’ll get them out safe. I’m sorry? I’ll just be, uh, over here. Please don’t look at me.
Jaslyn: You’re hard core, woman. *runs away*
Sarti: See, aren’t you glad you unexpectedly turned out to be a druggie? Now you get to play with ships, and hallucinate and stuff! *sheepish* I’ll, uh, find you a nice guy. *cough* *backs away*
Bensch, Tru, Terra and Pepper: Your moment will come, I swear. You have good moments, too. With books and ribbons.
Dane: I hate you. *slaps him*
Verjinya: STOP CRYING, GIRL. *slaps her*
Petria. Well, now that I know your backstory, it makes more sense. I’m sorry you ever looked at Dane? *pats on shoulder* And it just gets worse for you, too. I’m sorry. See, here’s some nice chocolate! You like chocolate, right?
Appel: *laughs* I don’t actually know your backstory, or what you have hidden in that room of yours, or what illegal activities you’re engaged in. But I’m sure they’re VERY interesting. And your tattoo is shiny.
Jennet: I’m sorry… *hugs her* But you’re too smart to not know the truth.
Tanner and all the Guardians: I’M SORRY!!!!!! I NEEDED DEATH SCENE!
Kael: I would apologize, but you brought it all on yourself. And you know this. Look, it does get better, eventually. So don’t get too drunk, please? Uh, Tenish, could you watch Kael please? She’s gone off to hurt herself again…
Dulamon: You might be one of my favorite characters of all time. So I send creepy women your way and set you on fire. Huh. CAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN HANDLE IT!!! And the message thing was really sweet, it really was. Too bad she never got the messages and settled for cutting herself instead. Yep, you fail, man. Maybe I’ll give you a second chance?
Howling: Uh, please no torture? I mean, what would be the point of that? Uh, don’t answer that. I’ll just stay on the other side of the ‘verse, thank you. Stay away. I will shoot you with a flame thrower!
I like my story. 😀

"I don’t know, where to, start. Say I’m tired, or throw a party."

Character quiz*, mark 1. Jennet’s story
*stolen from Bahnree, who stole if from Kemendraugh, who stole it from Bahnree, who stole it from someone else…*

I have so many characters I don’t know what to do with them, and I just am about to introduce a bunch more. So, I’m going to do this one in sessions. First session; the people who traumatize Jennet, and Jennet.

A. How old are you?
Jennet: 18
Jole: 18
Dane: 18 and three quarters.
Tanner: 31

B. Height?
Jennet: 5′ 4″
Appel: 6′ 2″
Jole: 5′ 8″
Dane: 5′ 11″
Tanner: 2 m.

C. Do you have any bad habits?
Jennet: Uh, I blush a lot? *blushes* I’m TRYING to stop, but everyone keeps doing things. And stop looking at me!
Appel: Define “bad.” I have some illegal habits, sure.
Jole: I keep failing to successfully commit suicide. I need to stop that.
Dane: No? What could possibly be wrong with me?
Tanner: Playing poker.
(Jennet: Oh, so you loose money at poker?
Tanner: No. I win, and then other people are broke. And that creates tension.)

E. What’s your hairstyle?
Jennet: Style?
Appel: Light brown, straight, I get it cut about once every six months
Jole: It’s- black. And short? *looks at it through your eyes* Is that gel? Did the girls gel me AGAIN? CARMINITA!!!!
Dane: Brown with blond pointing, really touchable.
Tanner: Red hair, usually with a bit of high explosive in it. That stuff gets everywhere.

F. Have any kids?
Jennet: *blushes* Nooooo?
Appel: Heh. None that I know about.
Jole: No.
Dane: How was I to know that the stupid girl would get all emotional about it?
Tanner: We’re gonna apply for permission again after this tour.

G. Favorite food?
Jennet: I like apple juice. And strawberry smoothies!
Appel: Barbecue beef sandwiches.
Jole: Tea. Earl grey, if you have it.
Dane: Steak.
Tanner: Beer.

I. Killed anyone?
Jennet: No. Uh, should I be concerned that you’re asking me that? *looks around nervously*
Appel: No one has ever died when I was present.
Jole: Does failing to get it through- Okay, that was not my fault. She was graduated, and everything. I’m gonna say no.
Dane: No.
Tanner: I don’t keep track of the count.

J. Hate anyone?
Jennet: That sounds really definite. I, don’t think I’m able to be mad at someone that long.
Appel: Yes.
Jole: Yes. And no, you don’t get to know who. Break my shields yourself, if you want to know- oh wait. You can’t. That’s right.
Dane: If I don’t like them they’re not worthy of my notice.
Tanner: It’s not professional.

K. Any secrets?
Jennet: *goes resolute* I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Appel: Do you think I should? *winks and slouches against the wall*
Jole: Huh. I try.
Dane: Look. My life is an open book. All you have to do is look at my perfect record. There’s nothing to hide!
Tanner: Don’t you think the weather is lovely today?

L. Love anyone?
Jennet: My little sister, and Matthew, and all the staff, and Appel, and Petria, and Jole, and- wait a second. How are we defining “love?”
Appel: Why should I tell you?
Jole: It’s better not to become emotionally involved. In anything.
Dane: Myself. *realizes that he said that out loud.* Self respect is important!
Tanner: Katy. *grins sheepishly* She’s gonna wait for me.

M. What is your job?
Jennet: Controller Trainee! It’s so fun!
Appel: Controller Trainee, for now.
Jole: Controller Tech.
Dane: Controller. *voices are heard from off camera* Wait, what do you mean I can’t say that till I graduate? I got in, what more do you want? *goes off to argue*
Tanner: Guardian, Out of Nation VIPs, specifically controller Trainees

N. Are you a boy or a girl?
Jennet: Girl.
Appel: Man.
Jole: Man.
Dane: *comes back into the room.* Wait, what? Oh. boy.
Tanner: Man.

O. Family?
Jennet: One mother, one little sister, little sister’s dad.
Appel: Whatever.
Jole: I never met them. I suppose they’re out there, if I was to look. And I wanted to risk them meeting me.
Dane: My family is highly upstanding and well connected.
Tanner: Katy is my family now.

P. Best Friends?
Jennet: Uh, Jole? And Petria talks to me sometimes. And Appel drugged me that one time, which was nice. *looks around.* Wait, what did I say? What did I SAY??
Appel: I’m working on it.
Jole: No. Carmanita, get yourself off me. We fight, we are not friends.
(Carmanita: That’s what you say. You know you’d bail me out. And I called the medics on you.
Jole: *glares* That was not a friedly thing to do.
Carmanita: Oh, so a friend would have just watched you die?
*they argue, and forget the question.*
Dane: Everyone who meets me wants to be friends with me. *smug*
Tanner: Well, right now everyone is getting used to being broke, so not at work. *someone off camera says something* Wait, what are you doing with that message? That’s private! Get your grimy hands off of Katy!

Q. What was the most surprising moment in your life up until now?
Jennet: Uh, uh, it’s hard to chose. When we got the letter about my dad? That was pretty shocking. Or, uh, when I realized where Jole had brought me? OH! The first time I logged on with Jole. That was a good day. Even if I was pretty sore afterwards. *Looks around and goes red* I said something wrong again, didn’t I? Oh my.
Appel: I’m not usually surprised.
Jole: When I discovered that I wasn’t dead? THANK YOU, Carmanita.
Dane: I always know what’s going on. Wait. Verjinya, what were you doing in my room?
Tanner: I’d have to say having a girl fall from the ceiling was not what I expected.

R. Where would you rather be?
Jennet: Do I have to wish to be somewhere else? I tend to be pretty happy where I am.
Appel: Graduated.
Jole: Dead. Or barring that, the UO. Or barring that, anywhere else, after this cursed school burns down.
Dane: In charge of the Nation. Wait, did I say that, out loud?
Tanner: Mmmm. Home with Katy would be nice. But I don’t hate my job.

S. Ever wish to be something else?
Jennet: Something? You mean, like a cat? I wanted to be a train when I was three.
Appel: I don’t know, I think I’m pretty all right.
Jole: Yes.
Dane: I’d like to be richer. But really, you couldn’t improve on anything else.
Tanner: Oh, my job is pretty good.

T. Ever kissed anyone that’s not a family member?
Jennet: *goes red* No. Unless, that time when I was so out of it, or that other time, or the time on the ship.. *goes more red* Uh, I’m pretty sure not?
Appel: Yes.
Jole: Yes. I was young, and she was crying.
Dane: Of, course?
Tanner: *emotionless* Yes.