
No really, things are going pretty well for me! I am basically flirting with Death financially, but I have at least until the end of the month until I start paying my line of credit with my Visa and thereby escalating to making out with Death. Hopefully before that time I can get a job. In hopes for AVOIDING keeping Death as my boyfriend, tomorrow I’m going to go harass the local burger shop and coffee shop and two grocery stores I applied at last week.

Now on the flip side of the coin, classes are a mixture of extreme fear and extreme interest. Ancient History seems like it’s going to be lovely. It’s focusing on the Old Testament (to no one’s surprise) but I feel like I’ve heard those stories enough times that I actually know them fairly well. And then I can focus on the awesome surrounding history, including orgy-tastic (direct quote from teacher) fertility rites, and the rise and fall of other empires, and how different empires subdued their conquered areas– etc. I am looking forward to that class. 😀

French is challenging, again to no one’s surprise, but the teacher is making a strong effort to make it both fun and comprehensible for those of us who have no language history. (Hallelujah!) Plus, any subject where I can watch a comedy and feel legitimately that it was homework-related because it was in French (I read the subtitles) is a win! I am quite determined not to do what I did with Latin and fall so far behind I am unable to catch up. Actually I should be listening to my vocab now… psh I’ll finish writing this first.

Let’s see– International Studies shows great potential to be awesome. It’s a discussion-based class, and there are some strong opinions on either sides of several debates. We started out today with a discussion on whether socialism is a realistic response to an anarchistic situation, which I think was heard two streets up. And a major part of my mark will be building a website/blogging, which is clearly another win.

I haven’t had the philosophy class yet, as it’s in an intensive format, but I’ve done the reading. And the reading is scary. Many words I don’t know. “Logical Positivism,” for example. ‘Nuff said.

And then we come to English. English is weird. Weird for my brain to process. Taking someone else’s words and taking them over, running away with someone’s images and using them ENTIRELY the way you want to, with almost no attention paid to what the author wanted, just your reading that is important– that’s bizarre to me. I’m committing the fallacy of intention left right and centre. 😀 But aside from the AUGH I”M DOING IT WRONG panic attack, I get to read lovely poems. I never liked poetry before, but I’m starting to learn how it works, and I’m making friends with it. 😀 (Yes, you will see more poetry here in the future.)

So that’s the download of my life. Have a good life OH WAIT ONE MORE THING!

Several of the classes require journaling, blogging or otherwise regularly responding to material. So, in an attempt to make it comprehensible, I will probably cross-post it here. Be prepared for verbose blogging!


Right now plotting feels like trying to solve this.

(Have I mentioned I’m no good at Rubix cubes?)

You know that part where you grimly hate your story, you seem to do nothing except stare at a word doc (Okay, pages document) and everything that drivels out of your brain is basically brain-mush? (FUNNY, THAT.) Yep, I’m here. Me and Karma Police, we’re here.

*repeated banging of head against table*


Fortunately, none of my alpha readers seem to actually be reading the story. So I chortle madly over my computer and make extravagant promises to myself to fix it before they reach it. It’ll be GOOD, see? Only far, far in to the future. FARRRRRR into the future. Hehehe. Maybe when I’m old and gray and have fourteen cats, a fragile plant and a ferret. Then it’ll be done and I can let it out into the world again. Hehehehe.

Seriously though. When I’m planning a story? I REALLY need to keep it more cheerful. Anytime I decide I need to add comic relief by throwing in a teenage marriage, things are going wrooooooong. Also, lol unintentional sketch. You’d think by marrying a guy off things would be less prone to awkwardness? No, that only counts when the character is not as GIFTED with awkwardness as mine are. It’s a gift, really.

And I got Hex Hall and War Of the Flowers and Nova War and Hundred Thousand Kingdoms in the mail today, along with others, and I really really want to hole up with them and some tea and never come out no more. But I’m not allowed until this draft is done.

My life is AAAAAAAAAGONYYYYYYYYYY. *abject weeping*

Excuse for my absence?

Eowyn wins at life.

Ahem. I just had to put that up there. ^_^

Despite what it may appear on the internet, I have not forgotten about this blog. I have merely been WRITING.

Er, attempting to write. See, 25% of the workforce at my place of employment has been off sick, so I’ve been upgraded from part time to almost full time. Which I’m not entirely used to, and also I’ve been trying to finish the first draft of Karma Police by the end of the month. That appears to be a hope as realistic as the one that says that I’m going to get up at six in the morning, but it’s not the end of the month yet, so I still retain it.

So yes. That’s my excuse. 😀 I will have MANY reviews and maybe even some excerpts for you! Later. Maybe next month?

(Or whenever I get tired of staring at a blank word doc and retreat to the internet.)

"Who is the love and who is the knife."

Word count: 1,593

Overall: I’m kinda stuck between hating PASSIONATELY what I’m writing now, and being struck by the glory of how much better it’ll be when I rewrite. And granted, that will probably be my attitude when I’m re-writing. (oh, this will be so much better next time!) but it helps to make me feel pleasantly schizophrenic.

Today: Ethan still has a lock on being cute, Mister Theyneker is uncaring about you or your pain, and Islay is cuter. Also, Laura is a woman of steel.

Upcoming: Ewan throws up (yay!) Adam questions his faith cause girls don’t like him, and Ethan finds that he doesn’t like newspapers.

"You manage to fit sketch into the least hot situations."

This verdict after a friend read Expendables makes me proud. It probably shouldn’t, but I cling to my small gifts, such as turning a hospital cafeteria into a situation for unintentional inappropriateness. Although, given that this was Sarti “showing off her scars” unintentional isn’t exactly the right term. ANYHOW.

How’s the writing coming, I hear you all ask? *deludes self that there is an attentive audience waiting to hear the response.* Well, my myriad loyal minions, it’s not really coming along. I wrote one and a half two pages today! *preens*
That may or may not have been the first writing since Nano… *fiddles with fingers* But in other news, a family friend who is a youth paster and my grandmother both offered to proof read. I beg you for advice. What does one do in that situation? I’m not sure if my writing is grandmother-friendly!
And okay, my lack of sanity is becoming Obvious to all and sundry. Sundry being work mates. I’m rather out of it this week, for reasons including but not limited to;
  1. lack of sleep
  2. Family things out of anyone’s control
  3. and mostly- SHINY BOOKS. (You spend enough time in other worlds, the one you are writing just looks, strange and inadequate.)
Why yes, I am blaming Melissa Marr for my lack of writing. *glowers* It’s totally your fault, you and your worlds. And Sarah Rees Breenan, with your enticing blog! Totally not my fault that my, characters, have been left in limbo…
*regards characters, who glower ominously*
*Ewan grins unpleasantly, while Laura loads gun*
I may have made a tactical error. And now they’re telling me off for blogging instead of writing. I SHALL LEAVE NOW.
(this is in the running for the worst blog entry of all time. I should make a list- later)